The Portable washing machine is automatic but it is like two twin tub machines. But if you want to know how to use a portable washing machine you should read carefully the article.
Would have been tested at the factory at the end of the production line just to make sure it works and it’s watertight. So it’s not a used machine it’s factory sealed, so inside we have a couple of screws and well several schools the instruction book. Which I will peruse before doing a full demo of this and I’m going to use a few times before giving you an actual demonstration little bit and more packaging to protect the washtub and inside the washing tub.
We have the fill hose much better quality fill hose than the twin tub machine. I have looked at them they are very flimsy but this fill hose does seem a lot better fairly short. It is less than a meter I’d say one end of these hoses attaches to the machine the other is supposed to attach to the tap but that is not going to attach to my tap.
So I have bought something that hopefully and will enable me to attach it but looking at that now. If it’s going to work and inside we have a single tub. I will show that in more detail so instead of having twin tubs you’ve got one tub that does the washing and rinsing and spinning. so it makes the footprint of these machines less than the twin tub.
It is slightly higher though okay and just remove it from the packaging and we’ll have a closer look at this washing machine. The washing machine enthusiasts a little bit of the internal workings of this washer So you have got a motor here and a belt I assume drives the agitator at the bottom and it will also drive the tub for spinning. We got the pump down here by the looks of it and the pipe the drainpipe yeah so obviously it’s a lot of plastic here.
The whole unit of the portable washing machine is plastic so it’s fairly liked to pick up and move around there are a couple of carrying handles but there you go that’s the first and last look. You will get at some of the internal workings of this machine here’s the bottom plate of the machine with eight self-tapping screws and on the back.
We have got further instructions or basically, it’s just the instructions repeated from the instruction book but there is an extra instruction at the bottom which I feel obliged to read to anti-rat and avoid unexpected something happens please install the bottom cover.
It is useful to decrease the noise when the bottom cover is installed, to avoid anti-rat and something unexpected something well, after a little bit of fiddling about discovered that the base needs to go this way up with the instruction facing outwards. You will see at the bottom there a little arrow facing the front that needs to face the front of the washing machine because you need to line up all these holes and it all in a specific place. so once you’ve lined up a couple of them all the others should follow just tighten them by hand first once we get the first screw in it is slightly tighten that don’t over tighten the screws there only go into plastic.
So all eight schools need to be inserted because we don’t want any unexpected something to happen do we I don’t know what unexpected something will happen if we don’t put this on but it’s in the box they say put it on. So that’s what I’m doing so all the schools are going in by hand initially.