It is really pretty even where you are going to use a Nesco electric skillet pan, so now we are going to learn how to use non stick pan first time. Our inverter inside the truck — our little 12-inch skillet here from buy recently, and we got a pack of chicken today and Tricia seasoned it with our Cajun spice.
Normally, we would remove all of the fat and can stuff from this before frying it. But we don’t have a paring knife because it ran off and left a paring knife and all the steak memory is not working well. So we are going to do this and we are going to cook it the first time and then have to trim it up later.
The electric skillet pan is quite warm. You can turn it up to 350 degrees, and we’re just going to go ahead and start laying these.
I am hoping there are six in here and I can get all six in here and not have to worry about cooking anymore later. We will cook these up with some of the refrigerator’s leftovers, put some in the freezer, and we won’t have to worry about it anymore there.
We’re doing pretty good sear on the outside one. Go ahead and flip these over to see how they’re looking. As Trish mentioned, I’ll look for these in olive oil in August because it’s exactly what your enemy is as long as it’s good healthy fat. All right, we are going to go ahead and put the lid on these and we’ll let them sit for a little while longer. I am going to turn the temperature down. So here’s our finished product, what I’m using and rival. It’s just a 12 inch scale, a $20 scale from the online market.
It is nothing complicated at all, and I as you saw from the outside, am running off my inverter, and we just have a 1500 watt inverter from Lowe’s, and that’s all there is to it. I just ran the extension cord underneath just for now.
We cooked it out on a catwalk because it does flatter a little bit and we just didn’t want that in the truck. You know, something more to clean up, but it’s easy to clean. It’s just a lot easier to do it outside, but here’s the finished product. We have got six chicken breasts, and I mean, we’ve got several meals cooking here for seven dollars and change. Trish has cooked up some green beans.
You read that I got our microwave over here, and between the skillet and our microwave, that’s pretty much it. Everything that we do on a little hot plate, which we bought from Wall Marsh, is a little electric eye.
We use that outside you or inside here for cooking soups and stews and stuff like that, but anyway, you really can’t eat here and it’s how to use non stick pan first time and it is pretty easy and its price is the lowest and it is a lot healthier.